hyperfekt: did you also poke any of the other tooling they have?
tazjin: I did not, most of it seems super ChromiumOS-specific and container-oriented.
But the ones you linked definitely seem very interesting.
After using Qubes, where I basically had one domain for private keys and one for all other because the friction is so insanely high I've been meaning for a while ot build a system that hooks the exec syscall to put every process into its own VM and connects open file descriptors to channels that tunnel between them. That'd even give you intra-application isolation.
hyperfekt: were you at camp btw? I didn't really manage to establish a decent face-to-face->name mapping for the people I spoke to
For people who weren’t, we talked about crosvm and virtfs, and I will switch focus to those.
hyperfekt: if you already have it packaged, that would be super helpful
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Currently at the lake, still haven't connected my phone to my bouncer.
I wasn't at camp unfortunately, couldn't really afford it. I saw there was a session, is there a writeup somewhere?
Yeah, as I said it's packaged. That PR works at least well enough that a Linux booted in a VM can complain about not having paravirtualized drivers.
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hyperfekt: there were two sessions, though the second one (by far the more interesting one) wasn't written up :/
hyperfekt: I think one of the more interesting realisations from the second session was that additional package installations could be controlled from outside of a guest, i.e. if the user wants an additional package on a running guest they can indicate so in some tool on the host
this way Nix wouldn't be required inside of the guests and the design of Nix would work if additional store paths just "appeared" in whatever way the /nix/store is shared to the guest
("more interesting" above is subjective, might've missed some stuff because I wasn't exactly sober)
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So the intent is to emulate domains like in Qubes instead of application isolation à la SELinux/AppArmor?
I'm just a spectrum-spectator and can't speak for qyliss, but to me that makes sense. Domains with (a lot) less friction