qyliss changed the topic of #spectrum to: A compartmentalized operating system | https://spectrum-os.org/ | Logs: https://logs.spectrum-os.org/spectrum/
<TheJollyRoger> Woohoo, I'm reading the design notes and seeing a shout-out to POWER9! Horay!
<qyliss> I'm glad you're reading this now and not yesterday, because yesterday it significantly overstated what I thought I'd be able to do with POWER9
<TheJollyRoger> Oh yikes.
* TheJollyRoger tries to puzzle out what this all means!
<qyliss> basically I'd need to find somebody who could write 1kLOC or so to implement POWER9 support in the VM software
<qyliss> it requires a bunch of specific knowledge about the architecture and stuff
<TheJollyRoger> Oh wow.
<TheJollyRoger> That's a lot of code!
<qyliss> well, it's rust, so most of it is types :p
<TheJollyRoger> I uh... I don't know how to program much beyond a few basic shell scripts, unfortunately I uh... I don't know how to help out with that :(
<qyliss> I think it'll be a while before I find anybody who does!
<qyliss> But maybe some day I will
<qyliss> I'm sure there's someone out there
<TheJollyRoger> Fingers crossed!
<qyliss> Or I might be able to do it myself by studying a different VM program, if I have the time
<TheJollyRoger> As I like to say in the Talos channel: "Go qyliss, go!"
<TheJollyRoger> I wonder what it will look and behave like or what the User Experience will be like.
<TheJollyRoger> I'm going to read the developer docs.
<qyliss> TheJollyRoger: that's still pretty up in the air
<qyliss> because there's been a lot of work implementing low-level VM stuff
<TheJollyRoger> Got it.
<TheJollyRoger> I wonder if now might be the best time to sit down and chat about usability and all!
<TheJollyRoger> Or maybe later?
<qyliss> Probably later, considering I'm on vacation now ;)
<TheJollyRoger> Got it ^_^. Well hey, enjoy the vacation!
<TheJollyRoger> I'll keep reading and see what I can find out! Maybe I can start looking at the code. I don't know enough code to understand it, but sometimes, just sometimes, I can *kind of* get a very vague idea of what it might do and be able to guess at the context.
<qyliss> :)
<TheJollyRoger> I wonder what else I can find out about this...
* TheJollyRoger starts digging.
<TheJollyRoger> I wonder if the hypervisor nested virtualization thingy on POWER9 might help any with testing.
<qyliss> It would make it possible for me to get a cheap POWER9 VPS and test a VMM (virtual machine monitor) port on there, without having to have bare metal access
<TheJollyRoger> Integricloud...?
<qyliss> yeah maybe!
<qyliss> although it depends if they actually enable nested virt
<TheJollyRoger> Oh.
<qyliss> I asked in #talos_workstation once but nobody knew
<TheJollyRoger> Oh huh, I didn't think about that!
<TheJollyRoger> Aw, crap.
<qyliss> they might!
<qyliss> at some point I'll just rent one for a short time and find out
<qyliss> but I probably won't be able to look at power9 very much until I have stuff working on x86_64
<TheJollyRoger> Okay!
<TheJollyRoger> Fingers crossed! I heard that Raptor is really trying to be forthcoming with software support, hopefully tpearson will get back to you!
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