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<pie_> xlink from nixos-security https://www.acsac.org/2005/papers/Bell.pdf
<pie_> havent read yet because im not feeling good but it seems like an extremely promisning article
<pie_> especially recommended for my attention was secti9n2
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<red[evilred]> Reading the website now
<pie_> red[evilred]: the summary is something like qubes but with nix
<red[evilred]> nice! because nix is well capable of building environent with an insane amount of minimalism
<red[evilred]> but regarding the things we were talking about elsewhere - I don't think any UNIX system could be capable of that level of control
<red[evilred]> but it will vastly reduce the amount of bug splatting
<pie_> lol yeah, i think moving the convo here is fine, stuff is kinda all over the place rn
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<red[evilred]> What an interesting project. I'm going to have to dig a little deeper into this after work.
<red[evilred]> So I'm looking at the git repos and I have a question - but it's such an obvious question I should probably check the FAQ first
<red[evilred]> beb
<red[evilred]> brb
<red[evilred]> Okay - so I don't see a FAQ - so I'll just ask
<red[evilred]> What's the reasoning behind copying all of nixpkgs as opposed to using references and overrides?
<red[evilred]> (I'm sure there's a good reason - I just don't know the requisite knowledge to know the answer)
<qyliss> red[evilred]: easier
<qyliss> will this be the long term approach? not sure
<qyliss> but for now it's easier to just have our own copy of nixpkgs we can modify as required
<red[evilred]> Gotcha - also I guess you don't need to stress so much about having nixpkgs move from underneath you
<qyliss> yeah exactly
<red[evilred]> I can't believe it has taken me this long to learn about this project
<qyliss> btw, something that isn't clear from the website is that I'm a bit burned out and taking a break atm, but the project is still alive and I'll be back working on it in the new year
<red[evilred]> I kinda guessed from the mailing list - but wasn't going to ask
<red[evilred]> and yes - the best time to take a break is before burn-out really hits - so good on you!
<qyliss> :)
<qyliss> I've been meaning to make a most to the mailing list that makes this explicit, but, y'know, burnout :P
<red[evilred]> if people aren't poking you, then I wouldn't worry about it
<red[evilred]> ... and I'm not going to poke you about it. Going to download and see if I can play with it some. If I have questions I'll drop them here but don't burn-out over me. Someone else here can pick it up.
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<qyliss> some good news: NLnet have signed off on a revised project plan with milestones more closely aligned to the current direction of the project
<cole-h> :D Woo!
<qyliss> (it took this long because chasing things up makes me anxious -- we weren't locked in the negotiating room all this time or anything :P)