So far I find the overhead of socks proxying everything acceptable more often than not
But yeah, if you are OK with host-namespace-level IP traffic, you should just use a bridge. Or reuse the same TAP interface, by the way
I _think_ I know what was the problem now…
OK, on the host I should set the nodad (skip duplicate address detection) option, otherwise I need to wait for the dup-detection in the empty network
This at least gives me proxy.
I seem to be able to access the permitted ports, but 9p mount requires something more
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qyliss: I've been doing some cgit quality-of-life improvements that you're welcome to steal, namely I wrote a filter in Rust that can syntax highlight individual files and render Markdown with properly highlighted code snippets: https://git.tazj.in/tree/tools/cheddar
iirc you mentioned Markdown rendering in the repo the other day
qyliss: re: bridging: by the way, what should bridging give you beyond what a shared TAP device with a firewall would give
Mystery solved
sin_server.sin_family = AF_INET;
Yep, 9p over TCP support in the Linux kernel assumes IPv4.
* multi
rolls eyes
Well, one could always do a NAT46 insided the VM
But after finding this line in net/9p/trans_fd.c I am more on the «Just use a private IPv4 subnet» side
oh yeah i hit this issue before
i ran 9p over wireguard at some point (inside a container) -- but i wanted v6 only in the wireguard bits :(
Well, you could do endpoint NAT 4-to-6
alternatively, you could use some sort of userland proxy (such as a combination of s6-ipcserver, s6-tcpclient and s6-ioconnect) if you hard-require single stack v6 network traversal
and connect to a unix socket and have the connection forwarded over tcp
I already have a few layers of socat forwarding the stuff
fair enough
I mean, in my case it is a fully contained IPv4 subnet _only_ used for VM TAP connecting to socats carrying the actual socket connections
And I think the dream for SpectrumOS mainline (which I won'y use directly, but I hope to reuse a lot of code from there) is to have just direct sockets one way or another from VM to VM without host-level IP traffic and with virtio 9p mounts