hah, I'd need to conditionally to that only on .md files though
ideally cheddar could distinguish between being called as an about-filter or source-filter, then the problem goes away, will look into that tomorrow
This only does it for mandoc files
another interesting thing is linking to the about page from subtrees, which I had to patch in, but it's not perfect yet
Yeah I noticed that
That's neat
problem is that it gives you random files too
Although I find cgit's tabs a bit confusing already
in a perfect world I'd walk backwards from there to the first readme or something, but who has the time for that
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oh no
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace.
thread 'main' panicked at 'cheddar should be invoked with a filename!', src/libcore/option.rs:1190:5
pie_: fixed - I wanted to avoid the default cgit filter behaviour of rendering empty about pages for nonexistant files, but that turns out to be more complex
qyliss: I'm really excited about how much progress you seem to be making with the whole endeavor
i haven't been able to dedicate much time lately unfortunately
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hyperfekt has joined #spectrum
thank you!
there'll be a blog post soon, probably
Doesn't always feel like that much progress when I'm this deep in it
MichaelRaskin: so, if you're also using mktuntap, I wonder if that means it's time for a release