qyliss changed the topic of #spectrum to: A compartmentalized operating system | https://spectrum-os.org/ | Logs: https://logs.spectrum-os.org/spectrum/
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<qyliss> I wonder how many times now I've read the virtio paper...
<cole-h> Not enough
<qyliss> never enough
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<cole-h> qyliss: Why is string.h included in `src/wayland-os.c` (Re: [PATCH wayland v2] Support virtio_wl display sockets)?
<qyliss> memcpy or memcmp or something is in string.h for some reason I think
<qyliss> Yeah memcmp
<qyliss> Oh and memcpy
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<cole-h> I don't see any uses of memcmp/memcpy in wayland-os.c, though. virtio_wl.c, sure. Maybe I'm too rust in C/C++ to actually intuit what's happening.
<qyliss> Ah, in that case it's probably a remnant of some debugging output
<qyliss> I think at some point I memcpy()ed name to another buffer to null terminate it for easy debug printing
<qyliss> Let me actually bring up the patch
<cole-h> Want me to email that? (Just re-reading the patch atm)
<qyliss> Yeah I don't think that needs to be there and neither does stdio.h
<cole-h> That was my next question :P
<qyliss> Email if you want but archiving that you pointed out I included some unnecessary headers probably doesn't matter too much :)
<cole-h> :P
<qyliss> (And I can just say you did in my v2 commentary)
<cole-h> Then I'll wait for the v3 :^)
<cole-h> (The rest LGT my untrained eye)
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